Links Isaac on 08 Feb 2007 11:37 am
Kenrick’s Tablet PC Resources
Kenrick’s Tablet PC Resources (from a CS prof at U of Alaska) has a variety of things including an Ink-enabled IRC client, some more formal papers on using the Tablet PC in teaching (here’s one available in PDF from the ACM), and numerous links. There’s also some discussion of recording the in-class use of the tablet along with some examples.
2 Responses to “Kenrick’s Tablet PC Resources”
on 09 Feb 2007 at 12:34 am
1.Kenrick said …
Thanks for the link
I keep meaning to convert over to a more interactive site (probably using drupal) so stay-tuned!
I’ve been thinking some more about using tablets for grading. One would be to have students take tests in class on a tablet and submit everything electronically; if the software was set up right the instructor could grade all the problem 1′s, then all the problem 2′s, etc. which I find is more consistent than grading everything for student 1, then everything for student 2, etc. Wifi or something might have to be disabled to keep students from cheating though!
on 09 Feb 2007 at 10:47 am
2.Isaac said …
I definitely prefer grading one problem at a time, though I more often do one page at a time, since I also find it much harder to be consistent if I grade whole assessment at a time.
I’m wondering if we’ll see a substantial number of WiFi jamming devices come to market for situations where it’s desirable to prevent access, like during a test.