Links Isaac on 17 Mar 2007 03:26 pm
PodCast: The TabletPC Show
As I’ve been getting more into podcasts (especially things like KQED’s “Writer’s Block”, which has nothing to do with tablets…), I stumbled into The TabletPC Show. Here’s their run-down on Tablet PC Show #56:
Welcome to episode 56 of the Tablet PC Show! Like the last episode, I don’t waste any time jumping into…
News Updates:
- Tim Heuer’s Foxit PDF Previewer lets you preview PDF files from within Outlook 2007 or Windows Vista Explorer. But it works only on Vista.
- The Canovo Dual-touch “Superslate” puts two screens on a clamshell device. No real keyboard, but a very cool idea.
- There’s yet another OneNote PowerToy, and this one lets you sort your notebook sections alphabetically.
- Amtek’s new UMPC is being called the “Vistagami” with good reason.
- Vulcan has finally released the FlipStart. But is it really a UMPC?
- Samsung’s is showing off the very slick Q1 Ultra (aka Q2). I want one!
- Samsung is also shipping ReadyDrive hybrid hard drives to OEMs. Just what every tablet needs.
- Bluetooth 2.1 will include an optional “near-field communications” feature.
- Another OneNote PowerToy: This one lets you set sections of your notebook as read-only.
- GottaBeMobile is giving away a DocuPen Scanner Executive Kit. I tell you how to win it.
- Engadget writes about EyePoint eye-tracking software which supposedly greatly improves on previous attempts at vision input, that is, controlling a computer with your eyes. Would this be a good input method for tablets?
San Jose Sharks assistant coach Tim Hunter uses a Tablet PC during each Sharks hockey game. I talk about how he uses it.
One Response to “PodCast: The TabletPC Show”
on 17 Mar 2007 at 3:29 pm
1.Perry said …
Thanks for the link!