1:1 Computing &In Class Isaac on 28 Mar 2007 09:33 am
Ocoee Middle School
The Center for Digital Education has an interview with Dr. Katherine Clark, principal of Ocoee Middle School (sorry, that last link seems to obnoxiously resize its window):
Ocoee Middle School was the first public school in the nation to put Tablet PCs in the hands of students. During the 2002-2003 school year, we had a class set of Tablet PCs that the students on a seventh-grade team used every day in either math or reading. This was very successful. This year, we were involved in a national pilot with Microsoft, HP, and Holt, Rinehart and Winston. This pilot provided a Tablet PC for every student and teacher on one seventh-grade team. The 150 students on this team did not use textbooks. All of their learning resources were online. We have partnered with Florida State University to do some preliminary research on the impact on teaching and learning. The project has been exciting for students, teachers and parents.
(as seen in The Tablet PC Education Blog)