1:1 Computing &Links &Misc Ed Tech Isaac on 18 Apr 2007 07:59 am
Data Backups in the 1:1 World
I figure it’s just a matter of time before one of my kids gives me this excuse…
The Vermont Slate: My Computer Ate My Homework
The last thing we want to do is put a program in place that causes someone to lose significant amounts of work. The second to last thing is to give kids yet another excuse when they don’t turn in work.
So why not just put [automated network backup] on the students’ Tablets and give them the same level of protection that [faculty] always have? Well, one factor is cost, though this could be built into the program or managed in any of several different ways. A bigger issue, I think, is what we are teaching the students. Or, more precisely, what we are not teaching them.
I have not, however, heard anything of a data backup plan from the IT people at my school.