Misc Ed Tech &Off-Topic &Vista Isaac on 28 Apr 2007 10:56 am
Vista, IE7, and Blackboard
In my various technology reading, this jumped out at me because I’ve been increasingly hearing and reading about the use of online course management tools and particularly Moodle and Blackboard (from Vista is here – wow or whoa?)
Colleges offering online classes over the Internet using Blackboard, a widely distributed e-learning software package, have experienced functionality problems with systems running Vista. Although most of the problems have workarounds or temporary fixes, some academic IT departments are recommending that students and administrators delay installing Vista until the Blackboard issues have been resolved. And while Vista alone can be problematic, there are well-known compatibility problems with Blackboard and student systems that use both Vista and IE7. Many academic IT departments are recommending that students and teachers use an alternative browser, such as FireFox or Opera, which are available as free downloads.
I’d have to strongly recommend using FireFox regardless of any other situation. For the one in a few hundred web sites I visit that doesn’t render properly in FireFox, I have the IETab extension installed so that I can have an IE-rendering tab embedded into FireFox.
2 Responses to “Vista, IE7, and Blackboard”
on 29 Apr 2007 at 5:24 pm
1.Cathy Garland said …
You mention Blackboard and Moodle – two polar opposites in the LMS industry. You do not mention mid-range learner management systems such as Desire2Learn and Scholar360. Your readers might be interested to know about mid-ranged priced LMS as well.
on 30 Apr 2007 at 12:25 am
2.KenMarshall said …
I think, that is interesting for all.