Blog Technology &OneNote &Tips and Tutorials Isaac on 25 May 2007 09:57 am
How to Blog from OneNote 2007
Since I’ve been asked and I thought it might be generally useful for people to know… Near as I can tell, this requires OneNote 2007 and Word 2007, but I haven’t tried it extensively since I’ve only got the 2007 trials on my review X60 (my own X41 is running 2003).
In OneNote 2007, create the blog entry on a single page.
If you want handwritten stuff to stay handwritten, select it and go to Tools > Treat Selected Ink As > Drawing (otherwise it tends to turn into plain text, which isn’t so good if your handwriting is as illegible as mine can be sometimes).
Go to File > Send To > Blog. This will send you off to Word 2007, where you configure your blog settings, do any final editing, and actually post the thing.
One Response to “How to Blog from OneNote 2007”
on 05 Feb 2009 at 3:55 pm
1.Alistair said …
The File > Send To > Blog works perfectly well. Configuring Word 2007 to upload images has proven challenging (impossible in fact). How do you configure Word 2007 to upload images so that the hand-writing is posted too? Thx.