Misc Ed Tech Isaac on 24 Feb 2007 10:55 am
Use Technology, But Only If It Is Used Well
Steve Myers posted about “Think Small! A Beginner’s Guide to Using Technology to Promote Learning” in Educause Quarterly 30.1, an interesting article about introducing and implementing ed tech. Some quotes from the article:
Before deciding what types of technology to use, we must first have a clear idea of what we want technology to do in our classrooms—what learning outcomes we want students to achieve.
Bringing technology to the classroom gradually, based on how best to support existing pedagogy, allows both students and faculty time to reflect on what works and what doesn’t.
The EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research found that students want professors to use technology, but only if it is used well, which many times it is not. Some students thought that technology had made their instructors less effective than when they used lectures and the chalkboard. Specific complaints included filling PowerPoint slides with lots of verbiage and simply reading them verbatim; wasting class time fumbling with equipment and software; failing to moderate chat rooms and discussion boards; and not making good use of course management systems.
One Response to “Use Technology, But Only If It Is Used Well”
on 25 Feb 2007 at 11:26 am
1.Ryan said …
Very true points. These “gadgets” don’t teach for us, and technology isn’t for some teachers right now. We love it, our kids love it, but you can be effective with out it. I probably don’t think I would be as effective with out technology because I’ve grown up with technology and I understand how it creates more possibilities, but some teachers are amazing with out it. Every good teacher knows that the technology just enhances the way we teach. It’s always got to be about the learner, and learning first, not the gadget.