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Hardware &Off-Topic Isaac on 21 Apr 2007 10:32 am

Active Digitizer Stylus Guts

Tablet PC Stylus Innards

Due to an equipment malfunction just prior to my Tablet PC presentation at NoVA Code Camp, I can now show the world what’s inside the average EM digitizer stylus.

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2 Responses to “Active Digitizer Stylus Guts”

  1. on 21 Apr 2007 at 5:37 pm 1.carrier said …

    I have always known how the digitizer worked (well kinda), but never had the chance to see the inside. I wouldnt do it to my own pen simply because the darn things cost to much. very cool.
    I teach science and when we discuss electromagnetism my ‘pen’ always becomes a part of the conversation. I ask the kids to try and figure out how it works. They always think it has a battery. but they come up with some interesting things.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. on 22 Apr 2007 at 1:12 am 2.Isaac said …

    I have only a vague sense of the physics behind the active digitizers, but I do remember the sense of wonder I had the first time I learned that Wacom graphics tablets didn’t need batteries in the pens and how much time I spent reading about the technology.

    And the cost has kept me from disassembling my own tablet pen as well, so I was very intrigued to find this picture.